What are the Time Cases..? *_* Worst Case: This is the scenario where a particular data structure operation takes the maximum time it can take. If an operation's worst-case time is ƒ(n) then this operation will not take more than ƒ(n) time where ƒ(n) represents a function of n. *_* Average Case: This is the scenario depicting the average execution time of an operation of a data structure. If an operation takes ƒ(n) time in execution, then m operations will take mƒ(n) time. *_* Best Case: This is the scenario depicting the least possible execution time of an operation of a data structure. If an operation takes ƒ(n) time in execution, then the actual operation may take time as the random number which would be maximum as ƒ(n). - Study24x7
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72 followers study24x7 30 Apr 2019 01:31 AM study24x7 study24x7

What are the Time Cases..? *_* Worst Case: This is the scenario where a particular data structure operation takes the maximum time it can take. If an operation's worst-case time is ƒ(n) then this operation will not take more than ƒ(n) time where ƒ(n) represents a function of ...

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What are the Time Cases..?

*_* Worst Case: This is t...
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