KVS TGT 2020 Exam: Subject Wise Preparation Tips and Strategy

Examination Guide Published on 05 October 2020

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is one of the prestigious institutions and dreams of thousands of candidates who want to become teachers. Almost every year, KVS issues a notification for the recruitment of new primary teachers, trained graduates as well as postgraduate teachers. This year also, the notification of PRT, TGT and PGT should be published soon. In this article, we are going to provide you with an important preparation strategy for KVS that will surely help you to crack the exam.

KVS TGT Exam Pattern 2020:

First, let's understand the KVS TGT 2020 exam pattern that will help you plan your study hours strategically.

  1. For the KVS TGT exam, questions will be asked from six different subjects divided into two parts.
  2. Part 1 includes General Hindi and English.
  3. Part 2 will consist of General knowledge and current affairs, reasoning skills, computer literacy and questions from the pedagogy.
  4. A total of 150 questions will be asked of 150 marks, and you need to complete it in 2 hours and 30 minutes.

KVS Exam Preparation Strategy 2020: Subject-Wise

1.   General English

In this section, the ability of candidates to understand the basic language and grammar would be tested. We have curated a list of tips to help you crack this section of the KVS Exam.

Improve your vocabulary: Use thesaurus, word list and online memory cards to improve your vocabulary. These are easy ways to study and memorize words. Keep a pocket book in which you can write down a few words every day, for example 10-20. The most important thing is that you need to do is to browse the list frequently.

Improve your English grammar: A good understanding of the use of grammar is required to answer the questions in the "English Language and Comprehensive" section. These types of questions are quite common in all competitions and are mainly asked in the form of questions such as "spotting errors". Finding an error in a sentence is a step-by-step process so applicants must follow grammar rules while solving these types of questions.

Improve your reading comprehension skills: In order to score marks in the reading comprehension section and develop reading skills, it is very necessary to develop the habit of reading every day. Prefer to read newspapers and stories, opinion articles in editorials, business magazines, etc.

2.   General Hindi

In this section, the ability of candidates to understand the basic Hindi language and grammar would be tested. Follow the below preparation strategy for KVS Exam's General Hindi section to score good marks.

Make your study routine: A comprehensive study routine covering all subjects is a must for all students who aspire to pass the exam for which they are preparing. Make Hindi language a repetitive inclusion in your study plan to get good marks.

Focus on speed: Speed is an important factor when you are looking to save time while solving the exam. Regular practice can improve your speed.

Take mock test: Mock test helps you to evaluate your preparation before the final exam. Try to give mock test papers and practice all the questions to improve your attempts.

3.   General Knowledge and Current Affairs

This section is the key factor for scoring good marks. A total of 40 questions of GK and current affairs will be asked in the TGT exam whereas 10 questions in the PRT exam. Current news affairs of the last 6 to 8 months are appropriate to obtain a good score.

Read to increase knowledge: Read magazines, newspapers, weekly GK blogs online and watch news channels to enhance your general knowledge.

Create and review notes: It will help you review all the topics that you have covered in current affairs. Revision plays an important role because reading a topic once will not give you any benefit. You should memorize these points by reviewing frequently.

4.   Reasoning Ability

Applicants are tested for their reasoning skills and decision-making power in this section of the KVS Exam. In this section, 40 questions will be asked in the TGT exam and 10 questions in the PRT exam.

Improve your logical skills: As this section tests candidates' ability to think and solve problems, students must therefore refine their logical and analytical skills.

Improve Concepts: Verbal and non-verbal concepts must be focused and the understanding of the directions should be precise. You need to make sure that you practice each concept thoroughly and try not to rush through the topics.

Do not make unnecessary assumptions: Questions will only be solved using the data provided, so do not make unnecessary assumptions when solving the problem. Always remember to use smart and appropriate methods to solve any problem.

5.   Computer Literacy

In this section, the questions are mainly asked to understand the candidate's basic computer knowledge. There will be 10 questions in this section for both KVS TGT and PRT exams.

Practical knowledge: Studying computers from books will not help you much in your preparation, unless you have practical knowledge of computer applications. Try to learn Excel and Word and practice shortcuts on a desktop or laptop.

Practice mock tests and previous year question papers: Make a habit to practice mock tests and try to solve previous year papers to improve your speed and accuracy. Regular practice will help to achieve accuracy and a high score in the exam.

6.   Pedagogy

In the Pedagogy section, questions are mainly asked based on subjects such as Pedagogical Concerns, Inclusive Education, Communication & Interaction. This section includes 40 questions in the TGT exam and 20 questions for the PRT exam.

Clear your concepts and theories: This section can be easily scored if you have studied all the basic concepts and theories related to teaching ability. Applicants can also clear this section with appropriate preparation and strategy.

Tips and tricks to qualify KVS TGT 2020 Exam:

  1. Try to give as many quizzes as possible and attempt a mock test for the upcoming exam.
  2. Revision is the key to score marks and thus practicing previous year question paper is important.
  3. Try to cover every subject such as articles, tenses, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs that will help you in spotting errors in the questions.
  4. Practice more for the grammar section in English. You can refer to Wren and Martin book to learn the basic rules of grammar.
  5. During the exam, do not give more time than expected to a question. If you feel stuck, skip to the next questions and don't waste time on one question.
  6. You need to focus on one topic at a time. Pay close attention to each topic and practice previous year question papers.
  7. There is no negative marking, so try to attempt all questions in the exam.


This was the complete KVS Exam preparation strategy mentioned in the article that will certainly help you to achieve a high score and crack the KVS TGT 2020 Exam. Selection of candidates will be based on their performance during the interview and in a written exam that will likely take place in over 35 different cities. Good luck.