Is Just a WISH to reach the GOAL without a PLAN ?

Bankers Setu Published on 09 July 2020

A Goal is only a person’s ambition or an aim which he/she wants to achieve. Just having a goal is an act of wish unless a person not choose a right way to achieve his/her goal. It's very important to choose the right way to achieve a goal.

There are two Important things for an aspirant to achieve a goal. One is choosing the right way and second one is diligence or hard work. If you want to get success then do the hard work in the right way with diligence. You will definitely achieve his/her goal.

There are two types of people who want to achieve a goal. One is who does hard work continuously in the same way and one day he/she realizes that he/she can not get the success after that he/she changes his/her goal. Second one is who does the hard work in the same way and when he/she realizes that this is not a right way to achieve success then he/she changes his/her way to get the success but did not change his/her goal. 


So we can say that only choosing a goal is not productive. A goal requires patience, hard and consistent effort and a proper way.

S=  Specific

M=  Measurable

A=  Achievable

R=  Relevant

T=  Trackable 

Here is no place for trial-and-error or a disconnected series of random efforts. Before deciding a goal what should be kept in mind are the three questions that should be cleared in sequence. 

What: Set your goal and reach the point. Answer your what question than.

Why: Mere setting a goal is not going to serve your purpose, till the time you do not know why you want to achieve that goal. So know the reason for your Goal.

How: After you are clear with your goal, make a plan that will help you in achieving your goal.

So, Make your Plan, work on it and dont be a mere day-dreamer.

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