CUCET 2021 Preparation Tips

Competitive Exams guide Published on 26 March 2021

Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) conducts the entrance exam each year to provide admissions to candidates in various PG programs. The Central University of Rajasthan is its main conducting body and the exam is jointly conducted by ten universities. These universities offer attractive PG programs to individuals. Each year many aspirants appear for this exam as they can get PG Admission to their dream university. However, there are only a few seats available each year at these universities. So, in order to secure their admission, candidates need to prepare well for the exam. In this article, we will discuss the detailed CUCET 2020 Preparation tips. 

Start the Preparation Early

Candidates need to start the Preparation for the CUCET Exam early. Keeping in mind the entire syllabus, one should try to start the preparation at least a year before the exam. One of the most common mistakes that candidates make is they start the preparation late. This way they lack time in completing the entire syllabus. One should keep this thing in mind to avoid last-minute hassle during the exam. Also, this will allow them to spare some time for revising the whole syllabus again. 

Know the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

This is the major step that needs to be taken into consideration when starting to prepare for the exam. Be aware of the entire exam pattern and syllabus to get to know the exam well in advance. 

The CUCET exam is held in an online mode where the duration of the exam is for 2 hours. The paper weighs for a total of 100 marks where the questions are asked in MCQ format. The question paper are divided into two parts i.e. Part A and Part B. Part A contains 25 questions related to general awareness and numerical ability. Whereas, Part B contains 75 questions related to a specific subject which the candidate has opted. For each wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted. 

The Syllabus for the CUCET Exam 2020 is different as per each subject. So candidates should refer to their official website to get a fair understanding of the exam syllabus. 

Refer Correct Books

Correct Reference Books play a major role in the preparation of any exam. Referring to the wrong books can be harmful as candidates can end up gaining the wrong information. For CUCET, candidates must only refer to the standard books. They can also take the advice of an experienced faculty to know the correct books.  

Give enough time to all the topics

As the CUCET Exam paper is divided into two sets of questions i.e. general awareness, numerical ability (PART A) and subject-specific questions (PART B), candidates should give enough time to both these questions. Many candidates make the mistake of either giving enough time to Part A or Part B. 

One needs to understand that both these sections are equally important as a single mark can decide whether the candidate can get into their dream university or not. So to make the preparation solid, candidates should study both these topics and give equal importance to them. Hence, one should start studying both these topics from day 1 itself. 

Prepare a Study Plan

A Study plan is very effective when it comes to preparing for an exam. Candidates should make a study plan that will help them organize their study routine. They can note down the time given to each topic and manage it accordingly. A study plan can help them keep a track of their day to day study routine. It is also important that candidates strictly stick to the plan regularly. 

Solve Previous year’s Question Paper & Mock Tests

Candidates preparing for the CUCET Exam 2020 should always solve the previous year’s question paper to get an idea of the type of questions asked in the paper. They should identify the exam trends, sort out the important questions and study accordingly. 

Similarly, it is necessary to solve mock tests. They help to solve the paper on time and gives a fair practice of solving the paper according to the actual exam. Candidates can easily get mock tests online. 


There is no point in preparing on point for the exam if it is not followed by a Revision. A Revision will help candidates memorize the entire syllabus. Dedicate enough time to revision on a daily basis. 

The CUCET 2020 Preparation should be followed with these tips. Candidates should also make handy notes to remember the important points on the day of the exam. Lastly, put a lot of effort, dedication and attend the exam confidently.