How to crack the SSC GD Exam without coaching?

SSC Preparation Strategies & S Published on 04 December 2020

The SSC GD exam is the General Duty Constable exam. This exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for recruitment in several Government departments and ministries. In this article we will discuss how to crack SSC GD Exam without coaching? for all the candidates who are confused about their exam preparation.

But first let's look at the SSC GD exam tentative dates. The following table shows the exam dates:



SSC GD EXAM – 2021


Organized by

SSC (Staff Selection Commission)


Notification Release Date

25th March, 2021 (Tentative)


Vacancy List Release Date

To be announced


Online Application Start Date

25th March,2021 (Tentative)


Last Day of Application

10th May, 2021 (Tentative)


Admit Card Release Date

To be announced on the official site


SSC GD Exam Date

2nd August, 2021 – 25th August, 2021


SSC GD Result

To be announced

Preparation is an important aspect. Therefore, to crack this exam you need to plan and prepare before the exams. With proper strategy techniques you can clear the examination in one attempt without coaching. You just need to study regularly and give at-least 2-3 hours to each section. Below are some preparation techniques that you can refer to crack this exam without coaching. 

SSC GD Exam preparation Tips

1. Be Aware: You must be well aware of the SSC GD Exam. Know about the exam pattern, the exam structure and the information that is released on the official site. Try to understand the pattern and structure of the exam and prepare accordingly. Download the syllabus and exam patterns from the official site of SSC as it is updated every year. 

2. Collect Study Material: This is the most important SSC GD Exam preparation tips to be followed by aspirants. Collect proper study materials i.e. books, worksheets, online tests, notes, previous year question papers etc. After you have collected all the materials, begin with difficult sections that you may feel are time-consuming. Highlight the sections that need special attention and then devote 2-3 hours on practicing. This will help in better time management at the time of the exam.

3. Prepare a Schedule: Prepare a work schedule. Write the syllabus and list out the areas to work on. Memorize the formulas and various other lists from arithmetic and English sections. Solve quizzes related to various sections to make time for lengthy areas and subjects.

4. Time-Frame: Set a time limit to be given to a particular topic and try to cover the topic within that time – frame. Devote at-least 2-3 hours to each section to have a better understanding of the subject. Then begin with in-depth analysis of the subjects.

5. Participate & Practice: Take various quizzes on several sites. Solve mock papers and sample papers from sites or practice books. This will enhance your understanding of various topics and will also help in better time management. 

6. Enrol in online classes: There are various platforms on which you can clear your doubts. Go for online classes or videos as they may help you in having a better understanding of a particular topic. Watch videos or register on various apps to access free videos about subjects.

7. Adopt Shortcut Tricks: To Crack SSC GD Exam, follow some shortcut tricks that will boost your preparation. For quantitative and reasoning it is advisable to adopt shortcut techniques to study and to manage time. There are various topics which can be covered in a short duration of time.

For instance, for arithmetical questions you can memorize the formulas and note it down so that revision becomes easier. You can also memorize the lists in the grammar part for English comprehension section. And for the logical reasoning section you can practice from mock tests and sample papers. 

8. Prepare Short Notes: While preparing for the exam, write down notes so that it is easier to revise after the completion of syllabus. Notes are necessary as they help in quick revision at the time of the exam.  

9. Test Your Knowledge: Take online tests and quizzes in order to test your knowledge about the syllabus revised. For this you can take online tests or solve previous year question papers. You can also practice in workbooks and solve objective and subjective type questions. You can enhance your knowledge by taking these tests.

SSC GD exam can be cleared without coaching. All you need to do is regular practice and not waste time. Prepare with full force and take online tests and quizzes. Watch videos online to clear your doubts about a particular topic you feel is difficult to catch up with. To crack this exam one just needs regular practicing and revising the given topics. Be well-prepared before the exam and follow the above-mentioned pattern.

To clear the SSC exam without coaching you need proper study materials. So collect study materials including books, previous year question papers, notes etc and start preparing for the exam. For further details you can log on to