Why Is Artificial Intelligence The Future Of Growth?

Study24x7 Published on 06 April 2023

The concept of Artificial Intelligence has been around for centuries and here is why artificial intelligence is the future of growth. At its core, AI is the idea of using a technology, or a group of technologies, to enable machines to understand, understand, act, and learn to fulfill human tasks.

Artificial intelligence was first a staple of science fiction, and became a reality with the introduction of the Turing machine in the early 1940s. Since then, AI has developed in short and in interruptions: in interruptions that occurred in the "AI winters" of. In the late 1970s and late 1980s, AI research and development was temporarily suspended, mainly due to a lack of interest in government funding.

But, in the mid-1990s, with advances in robotics, the idea of self-reflection to solve real-world problems began to develop again. And, from year to year, researchers and scientists have integrated a number of mathematical and logical concepts such as probability, decision theory, neural networks and evolutionary algorithms into AI, which makes it possible to solve problems in different areas: from software banking, healthcare. search tools, voice recognition tools, internet search engines and even marketing automation.

The Era of AI and Big Data

In the era of Big Data and social media, with the availability of large amounts of real-time data from various sources in various formats, the Artificial intelligence market has developed to the point where we can create tools that can invest in ideation and user-generated content,its why artificial intelligence is the future of growth.

This development has a conflicting effect on traditional businesses that rely on investment and financial services, and on IPOs focused on idea- and UGC-based innovations, such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat.

The main takeaway is that now is the time for companies to integrate AI and digital marketing into their processes and products, as they have the potential to provide them with a source of growth, to have a positive impact on their work and improve the experience of the drivers, their business & consumers.

Many Advantages of AI

By incorporating AI into their processes, companies can boost growth in the following three channels:

1. Automatic intelligence

AI has ushered businesses into an era of intelligent automation, which can drive growth beyond the capabilities of traditional automation solutions. Intelligent automation does not only refer to the easy transfer of tasks from humans to machines; it's about developing highly sophisticated, flexible, efficient and automated security solutions that bring maximum value to businesses and drive growth exponentially. These are actually possible solutions:

● It is easy and in a gentle way to adapt to the complexity of the work to complete them well

● Works seamlessly across multiple industries and services

● Self-study of complex tasks

2. Increase in employment and income

AI helps companies use their workforce and money more efficiently,that's exactly why artificial intelligence is the future of growth. It allows people to focus primarily on adding value to their work; that is, it allows them to imagine, create, and create new things while controlling the execution of low-level tasks that will take time and effort and reduce overall performance.

AI augments work by leveraging human capabilities, reducing downtime and cost. AI also helps companies increase the utilization of their assets, allowing them to invest their money more effectively.

3. Innovation Diffusion

It is about promoting innovation in the whole economy: when one part of the economy leads to automation, its innovation automatically spreads to other sectors due to the integration of each part into doing these with great influence.

For example, with the advent of driverless cars, automotive giants such as Ford and BMW and Silicon Valley giants such as Google, MIT, and Stanford University have collaborated to develop self-driving cars. car distance. However, the impact of driving automation goes beyond the car industry, such as:

● As driverless cars remove the need for drivers to focus on driving, they leave them for leisure activities such as internet browsing: things mobile advertisers and retailers have earning power.

● Insurance companies can invest in the data generated by driverless cars to create new policies that cover transportation, not just driving.

● Traffic and traffic data generated by driverless cars can be used to support artificial intelligence. Therefore, they can create new ways of money in the economy and thus increase the value in many areas.

The impact of AI on the growth of companies and economies

According to a study by Accenture, they estimated that AI can increase the value of the economy by at least 38% and a gross value added of US$ 14 trillion by the end of 2035. In particular, the study found that:

● AI has the potential to accelerate industrial growth, particularly in communications, manufacturing and finance.

● There is an unprecedented potential for profitability, especially in the manufacturing sector due to the increased efficiency and productivity that AI provides compared to manual and inefficient equipment.

How we can prepare for the future with AI

There are conflicting opinions about the progress of progress in AI: while some entrepreneurs like Elon Musk warn about the existential and ethical crisis that increasing dependence on AI can create, others see it as a solution to some of the world's greatest challenges.

Therefore, the key to connecting AI to our future is to understand the complexity of positive and negative effects, and to be ready to meet the problems they bring.

Supporting the next generation for AI

Technology education today is often one-way: humans learn to use technology. With the advent of AI, humans and machines will coexist on a two-way basis. This will require changes in the type of knowledge and skills passed on to future generations.

It will be necessary to expand technical skills to include the ability to design and manufacture AI systems, including specialized skills in robotics, haptics, audio-visual and pattern recognition. At the same time, interpersonal skills, creativity and emotional intelligence will be more important.

Support AI-based standards

In order to keep up with technological advancements, it is necessary to update the current standards to be more flexible with the increasing use of automation.

For example, in the healthcare industry, AI can have a huge impact on diagnosing health problems. However, doctors may be wary of relying on AI diagnosis for fear of being sued for legal malpractice due to technical errors. Therefore, it is important to review and improve health care standards.

Enter the AI code of ethics

As AI becomes more sophisticated, its social and ethical implications will also be discussed. For example, in an autonomous car, which life should the car choose to save: its driver or other drivers? Or how to deal with racist algorithms?

To promote the spread of AI in a society that is primarily driven by human behavior and indifference, policymakers must apply ethical standards. Strict rules surrounding common principles and best practices for AI technology development must be followed.

Workplace Effects

The fear of being replaced by machines and the survival of the main source of income has been increasing since the beginning of the industrial revolution. With the advent of AI, this fear is becoming more ubiquitous.

Therefore, AI advocates should recognize that these concerns are valid and seek ways to effectively address them. To do this, they should focus on the benefits of AI: increasing the productivity of each person working in the workplace and improving job satisfaction.

They will demonstrate and articulate the broader impact of AI in solving global problems such as climate change through reduced dependence on fossil fuels and faster access to healthcare.

At the same time, AI policymakers will also create plans that cannot bring back the same jobs that automation will have a significant impact on the economy.


Artificial intelligence is here: its impact on social and economic progress is clear. Since it increases productivity and efficiency, it strengthens the company's capacity for innovation and creativity.

At the same time, however, there are a number of legal, ethical and social issues that need to be addressed before we can fully integrate AI into our future and that gives us the answer to the question why artificial intelligence is the future of growth.

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