Current Affairs 2019-20 Nagaland R N Ravi is taking charge of the State Meghalaya in the absence of Mr. Roy

UPSC & State PSC Published on 15 February 2020

Today's top headlines for the Current Affairs for UPSC 2020 Exam is Nagaland R N Ravi is taking charge of the State Meghalaya in the absence of Mr. Roy

According to the latest Current Affairs, the government is working very hard day and night. Even in the absence of any Minister or any higher authority, the additional charge has to be given to let the work inflow.

Therefore in Meghalaya in the absence of Tathagata Roy, the additional charges are assigned to R N Ravi.  Until Tathagata Roy will come back to take the charges the responsibility will be on the shoulder of RN Ravi as per the Current Affairs 2020.

In the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the decision was made by the president of India. Sources say that the Tathagata Roy, the current governor of the Meghalaya, has taken leave after the comment on the media. The headline says that the comment was on to go to North Korea.

Exact internal reason for taking the leave and giving the authority of governing the Meghalaya to R N Ravi is still not known.

All The Best To All The UPSC 2020 Aspirants!