International Days of Families, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परिवार दिवस (15th May)

Abhishek Kumar Published on 14 May 2020


The International Day of Families is observed on the 15th of May every year. The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 with resolution A/RES/47/237 .

The International Day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families. Families have become the hub of inter-generational interactions that support us in this crisis. Under economic threats, poverty deepens. In times of uncertainty stress increases - often resulting in growing violence against women and children. That is why the support for vulnerable families - those who have lost their income, those in inadequate housing, those with young children, older persons and persons with disabilities - is imperative now more than ever.

संयुक्त परिवार के महत्व और जीवन में परिवार की जरुरत के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए हर साल 15 मई को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परिवार दिवस मनाया जाता है। परिवार के साथ समय बिताने के लिए मदर्स डे के बाद ये खास मौका होता है। परिवार एक तरह से समाज की मूल ईकाई है। इसके बिना किसी भी समाज की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती है। आज हम आपको इस लेख के माध्यम से अंतरराष्ट्रीय परिवार दिवस को मनाने की वजह और इतिहास के बारे में बताएंगे।


Families in Development: Copenhagen & Beijing + 25

This is the theme of International Family Day 2020.

In the year 1995, the conferences of Beijing and Copenhagen proposed the importance of family and its role in our social development and agreed to specify its worldwide observance as an initiative for the well-being of all individuals in the family.


The International Day of Families is represented by a specific symbol of a heart that stretches upwards and forms the roof of a house, the heart is then engraved in a green circle.

Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on this day

As far as this pandemic has brought disaster to our socio-economic system, it has also made us think about the value of family lost in the race ofmodernization. It has brought us back the worth of walled- chamber where its identity was defaced. Although the 20th century has brought many biological and social developments for us, yet in its flow, our moralities, our individual presence and our affection have been drowned and faced an eternal death.

When the whole world was bound to a social distancing and we all are now in a state of isolation, a family hasn’t been kept away from us. Our blood relations are providing us relief, they have even embraced us when the world where we always struggled spared us.