SSC exam Calendar 2020-21 is released, check out the impor - Study24x7
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SSC exam Calendar 2020-21 is released, check out the important exams dates here

Updated on 15 February 2020
SSC Preparation Strategies & S
7 min read 2 views
Updated on 15 February 2020

SSC2020 exam calendar is out now,

Staff Selection Commission has released the new examination calender of 2020-21, also had added the new exam dates of all the important exams which are being conducted in 2020-21 by the commission.

This process would help the SSC aspirants to check the dates and preparation as per the schedule.

The calendar consists of the Date of Advertisement, Opening & Closing date of Application and Date of Examination, along with the name of Examination.

Also, it includes a shift of examination and mode of examination.

This calendar is beneficial for the candidate to check the tentative date schedule so that, they could prepare accordingly.

The important dates of all the tests are to be held in the coming years as mentioned in the sheet.

You can check the sheet for your reference

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