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Updated on 22 June 2020
All About Databases
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Updated on 22 June 2020

In simple language, data mining is defined as a process used to extract useful data from a bigger set of raw data. It is simply analysing data patterns in larger batches of data using more than one software. Data mining has applications in N number of fields, like research and science. As an application of knowledge mining, businesses can learn more about their clients and develop simpler strategies associated with various business functions and successively leverage resources in a more optimal and insightful manner. This helps businesses to bring closer to their objective and make better performance. Data mining involves effective data collection and warehousing also as computer processing. For segmenting the info and evaluating the probability of future events, data processing uses sophisticated mathematical algorithms. Data mining is additionally referred to as Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD)

What is data mining in databases?

Data mining is the process of searching variations in huge data sets involving technique at the intersection of machine learning, database and systems statistics. This generally involves using database techniques like spatial indices.

Types of Sources of Data in Data Mining process

Here, we will discuss what are various sources of data that are used in the data mining process. The data from multiple sources are integrated into a similar source known as Data Warehouse.

Flat Files, RDBMS, Data Warehouse, Transactional Databases, Multimedia Databases, Spatial Databases, Time Series Databases, World Wide Web(WWW).

Flat Files

Flat files are defined as data files in text form or binary form with a structure which will be easily extracted by data processing algorithms. Data stored in flat files haven't any relationship or path among themselves, like if an electronic database is stored on file , then there'll be no relations between the tables. Flat files are represented by a data dictionary. Eg: CSV file. Application: utilized in DataWarehousing to store data, utilized in carrying data to and from server, etc.

Relational Databases

A Relational database is defined as the collection of data organized in tables with columns and rows. Physical schema in Relational databases may be a schema which defines the structure of tables. Logical schema in Relational databases may be a schema which defines the connection among tables.Standard API of electronic databases is SQL. Application: Data Mining, ROLAP model, etc.


A data warehouse is defined because the collection of knowledge integrated from multiple sources which will queries and decides . There are three sorts of data warehouse: Enterprise data warehouse, Data Mart and Virtual Warehouse.Two approaches are often want to update data in DataWarehouse: Query-driven Approach and Update-driven Approach.Application: Business decision making, Data mining, etc.

Transactional Databases

Transactional databases may be a collection of knowledge organized by time stamps, date, etc to represent transactions in databases. This type of database has the potential to roll back or undo its operation when a transaction isn't completed or committed. Highly flexible system where users can modify information without changing any sensitive information. Application: Banking, Distributed systems, Object databases, etc.

Multimedia Databases

Multimedia databases consist of audio, video, images and text media. They can be stored on Object-Oriented Databases. They want to store complex information during a pre-specified format. Application: Digital libraries, video-on demand, news-on demand, musical database, etc.

Spatial Database

Store geographical information. Stores data within the sort of coordinates, topology, lines, polygons, etc. Application: Maps, Global positioning, etc.

Time-series Databases

Time series databases contain stock market data and user logged activities. Handles array of numbers indexed by time, date, etc. It requires real-time analysis.Application: eXtremeDB, Graphite, InfluxDB, etc.


WWW refers to the World wide web may be a collection of documents and resources like audio, video, text, etc which are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) through web browsers, linked by HTML pages, and accessible via the web network. It is the foremost heterogeneous repository because it collects data from multiple resources. It is dynamic in nature as Volume of knowledge is continuously increasing and changing. Application: Online shopping, Job search, Research, studying, etc.

There are many data mining companies spread across the world. Many data mining companies specially for mining specific types of data for specific industries or specific areas of a business, such as sales, employee efficiency, or supply chain efficiency. These companies follow certain business practices and procedures to ensure that clients’ data is not lost, stolen, or used against them. One common practice is the data mining company does not retain any raw data, only copies of the reports for future use by the client. Another common practice is to have the employees’ only work on projects for a single client to ensure that any proprietary information or raw data is not transferred to or used in the reports of another client.

When data mining companies are starting projects they want to gather as much raw data as they can, no matter how innocuous it may seem, they want as much data as they can get. The reason behind this is that with the process power of computers analyzing data has become much faster. In addition, data mining companies have discovered that people (meaning the intended target group,) will do two seemingly unrelated tasks together regularly or specific tasks on specific days, so, the more data points the better your results.

In conclusion, data mining companies work in a confidential environment that many businesses rely on to make decisions from the day to day operations to five year plans. The longer the companies work with a specific client or in a specific industry, the better they will be at predicting when, where, and how things are going to happen.

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