Getting started with Online Teaching? Here’s what you shou - Study24x7
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Getting started with Online Teaching? Here’s what you should know

Updated on 17 August 2020
7 min read 1 views
Updated on 17 August 2020

Online teaching is one of the flexible and time-saving approaches for teachers and students. It is a great career option for teachers who want to pursue it either for a part-time or full-time basis. This approach provides teachers with flexible timing so that they can teach anytime they want. Generally, teachers are paid on an hourly basis here if they work for a company. If the teacher wants to start their individual teaching then they can add more hours in it and the income solely belongs to them in this case. Teachers can pick any of these options as it is a very beneficial approach for them. They can literally start with teaching online for a few days and can earn decent money quickly. In this article, we will discuss the detailed requirements for teachers who want to or have just started with online teaching.

Identify your Niche & Market

The first step here is to identify the niche in which you wish to start teaching online. If you are an expert in a particular domain and wish to teach in that then go for it. Along with this, identifying the market and its trend is equally necessary. Identify who you want to teach and also if the niche is trending in the market. Check the requirements of the students i.e. if they are interested in that particular niche or not. This way you will get a fair idea for where to start and you will know that you have chosen the correct field to work for.

Choose a good online teaching platform

A platform is the most important aspect when it comes to teaching online. Hence, it must be chosen with care as your teaching depends on this platform. Ideally, an online teaching platform should possess the following qualities: 

  1. The platform must be reliable.
  2. The platform must be secure. 
  3. The platform should offer assistance in case of technical problems.
  4. The platform should be easy to use.
  5. The platform should offer collaboration among teachers and students.
  6. The platform must be cost-effective. 
  7. The platform should provide various tools to create innovative and engaging content. 

Conduct more live classes

Live classes are a good way for getting to know each student on a face to face basis. The truth about Elearning is that not every student can be comfortable in such an environment. Some students tend to like the traditional classroom approach as they can discuss their doubts one on one with their teachers and friends. Also, the learning pace of each student is different and so it becomes difficult to understand them. Live classes help in such a scenario and provide the students with a more open environment to learn. Teachers can communicate with them and students can freely ask their doubts. Therefore, teachers can conduct more engaging classes by utilizing the live online class approach. 

Assist your students and track their progress

It is important that teachers communicate frequently with the students and assist them with their studies. Let them know that they can be reached via call or message to clear their doubts. Create tests and quizzes and share the corresponding reports with them to make them understand their progress. If students feel like the teacher has to offer more value to them they can even refer the teachers to their friends. This way teachers can be benefited as more students can enroll in their course.

Market your content effectively

Marketing is an essential step towards promoting your course to potential learners. With the correct tools, teachers can make their course reach a greater audience. To do so teachers have to bring more students to enroll in their course. If students like the course they can tell their friends to opt for the same course. This is also known as word of mouth referral. Along with this, the platform in which the teacher is conducting the class should offer tools to collaborate with the students and make them reach a wider audience. 

Elearning is a high demand career option that one could opt for. Teachers are required to have a specific degree/certification before starting to teach online. However, it is not a compulsion if one is setting up their own teaching then any prior experience in the domain will work too. Generally, there are many teachers who do not know how to start online teaching. With this guide, they can get a clear idea of how to approach with the teaching.  

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