What Is SEO friendly Content And Its Importance ? - Study24x7
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What Is SEO friendly Content And Its Importance ?

Updated on 22 October 2022
Digital Marketing
23 min read 18 views
Updated on 22 October 2022

We are in the 21st century where the way we use the internet and technologies has changed over the years. One such aspect that has changed with time is the digital marketing field. Marketers are constantly trying to innovate and keep up with the changes happening in this field from time to time. Looking for SEO Course !

However, one of the most important skills or techniques that need to be focused on is SEO. 

Many marketers put months or even years to work on the SEO trying to rank their websites, products, services, etc on the search engines. For this, they should work on creating SEO friendly content. 

What is SEO Friendly content?

SEO friendly content is the process of creating or optimizing the content in order to make it rank higher on the search engines. Both the SEO and content go hand in hand. If there is no content then there is no need for SEO and vice versa. 

Well, not only SEO but you must focus on the quality of the content that you provide to your readers too. This is because if you create good content then you are providing something of value to your readers. In the future, these readers can become your potential clients and you can yield a lot of profit for your business. 

What goes into creating SEO friendly content?

The use of ‘keywords’ is very necessary when you want to create any SEO related content. Keywords are nothing but the words or search terms that your target readers/clients search on the search engines to receive the desired results. 

Let’s say, for example, a customer wants to buy a pair of shoes and he/she searches on google - ‘shoes for jogging’ or ‘shoes for dailywear’. If you are a person who has a shoe shop or business then you can provide this product to the customer. 

But you might want to know how? There are various ways in which you can do so

  1. Write an article/blog post using the targeted keywords and publish it on your website hoping it will rank on google and then the customer can find you. 
  2. Optimize your webpage using keywords and other SEO techniques. 
  3. Write articles or blog posts for other websites that rank higher on google and place your products, services or company’s links in that article so that customers can navigate back to your website/services. An example of this could be guest blogging. 

The more time the customer stays on your website the better for you. 

You can optimize SEO for various content types like articles, blogs, guides, videos, web pages, etc. The best practices to rank on google depends on various aspects such as your target keywords, placement of keywords, type of content, quality of content, etc. It is important that you look out for such practices. 

Why is SEO Friendly content important?

Let’s look at some of the reasons for the importance of SEO friendly content

SEO Friendly content improves Ranking 

Digital marketing in 2020 has updated more enabling marketers to work hard on the SEO part. If your content and SEO both are properly optimized then search engines will reward you with higher rankings. 

For this, you should always use proper keywords that your target readers or clients tend to search on the search engines. Along with this, your content quality must be top-notch to allow both search engines and people to find value and something of importance in your content. 

SEO Friendly content can increase the conversion rate

Conversion rates are the readers or potential clients who visit your websites and convert into a customer or indulges in any action you want them to take. The main intention of businesses is to increase the conversion rate on their websites.

As we saw above, if your content is SEO friendly then you may rank higher on google allowing your potential clients to discover you. This may be profitable for you as you can get a lot of clients for your business. 

SEO Friendly Content becomes famous on Social Medias 

Social media is a big world and nowadays almost every other person is present on at least one social media platform. There is a wide scope that you may receive a lot of clients from social media itself as people scroll through it all time. 

If a person comes across your post, article or blogs and likes it then chances are they may forward that information on their social media groups. This way you get known among a large group of people and you can get in touch with your potential clients as well.  

SEO Friendly content is beneficial for small businesses

Small businesses generally don’t have much budget and funding. They are trying to achieve maximum things using minimum resources. In such times, delivering content that is SEO friendly can help them a lot. 

With the struggle to find clients, this content can help potential clients to discover their business. As their website, articles, blogs will rank on Google, they will get a chance to get known among their clients and various other businesses. 

SEO Friendly content generates a form of trust among clients 

Content that is SEO friendly will generate a form of trust among your potential and existing clients. As your potential/existing clients will read your various articles or blogs they will get to know more about your services and you. 

As they discover you and your products through SEO they will be interested to know more about the services you offer. You can also apply multiple SEO techniques to help clients visit your websites. 


SEO is an important part of digital marketing and marketers or aspiring marketers should focus on it to gain maximum benefits. Content that is SEO friendly will help small and large businesses both receive maximum profit and increase brand awareness. So marketers and individuals who want to make the most of their business must adopt proper SEO techniques. 

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