Cell Structure - Study24x7
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Cell Structure

Published on 09 November 2020
Shailesh Sharma
7 min read 0 views
Published on 09 November 2020

On the basis of Nuclear Composition of the cell, they are classified as:

a)Prokrayotic Cell: Lack of Nuclear Membrane. Chloroplast, lysosome, golgi body, mitochondria are absent. Found in Viruses, Bacteria, Blue-Green Algae

b)Eukaroyotic Cell: A completely developed Nuclear Membane is found. Cell size is larger

In humans 10 raise to the power 14 cell exists.

Nucleus of the cell was invented by Robert Brown in 1831

Main function of Cell Wall is to protect nucleoplasm and cell membrane . Exist in Plant Cell only

Protoplasm of inside nucleus of the cell is called Nucleoplasm.

Lysosome helps in cellular digestive activities and that’s why it is called digestive vesicle. Sometimes they digest their own enzymes , so they are known as Suicidal bags

Mitochondria is known as the powerhouse of the Cell. Energy synthesis takes place in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phospate)

Plastids is only found in plant Cells and its shape is like Mitochondria.

a)Leucoplast: Found in those parts of plants which are deprived of Sunlight

b) Chromoplast: Found in the colored parts of the plant.

c) Choloroplast: Made from green coloured substance called Cholorophyll in which Magnesium Metal is present. Pigments like genthophyll and carotene are also found. Leaf of the plants become yellow because of the formation of carotene.

Three component of Chromosome –Histon protein, DNA and RNA

Formation process of RNA from DNA is known as Transcription

Centrosome is absent in plant cell

Vacuoles are small in size in case of animal cell, while they are in larger size in plant cells.

Cell division is classified as

A) Amitosis: Less developed cells of Uni-cellular Organism.

B) Mitosis: Two identical Cells are produced.

C) Meiosis: Occurs in reproductive cells , hence result in the production of Gametes

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