Unbounce Conversion Benchmark Report 2021 - Study24x7
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Unbounce Conversion Benchmark Report 2021

Updated on 01 May 2021
Soumodeep Sikder
7 min read 3 views
Updated on 01 May 2021

Unbounce’s Conversion Benchmark Report is back for another year and opening the door to all-new, jam-packed, data-backed insights!

We know marketers want better results, but that most aren’t sure how to get them. That’s where Unbounce’s report comes in, helping marketers optimize their landing pages with an easy-to-understand report designed to start converting more visitors.

Using AI, Unbounce analyzed more than 44 thousand landing pages and 33 million conversions, then refined all that data into actionable recommendations that make optimization simpler. This report saves you the time, money, and expertise that stand in the way of creating your highest-converting pages ever and gets you to turn the table—fast and easy.

Which Industries Are Included in This Report?

In this report, marketers from 16 different industries can review how their specific industry performs and exactly where they rank within it. How? With crucial insights for each.

Here are just a few examples:

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Email visitors are most likely to execute on forms. The least likely? People coming from search ads. Check out which traffic channels are converting best on your form-fill pages and see why you might wanna rethink how you’re using your Google Ads budget.


Paid search traffic may not be your best bet. Although the bulk of traffic to form-fill ecomm pages comes from search ads, our channel performance analysis shows that you’re more likely to get conversions from social and email visitors.

Business Services

Word count and reading ease matter (after all). Last year, we didn’t see much correlation between the length or complexity of your copy and your conversion rate—but that’s changing. Even in business, short and simple messaging increasingly looks like the way to go.

Download  Your Copy Of Unbounce 2021 Conversion Report


You’ll sign more students on social. Most of your visitors come from paid search ads, but they don’t convert as well as you might think. See why you should think about putting Google Ads in detention. (Or, you know, reducing them.)


Positive or negative, your clients ain’t buying it. We analyzed how including certain types of emotional language might impact your page performance. Turns out, just about every sentiment—the good and the bad—is more likely to hurt than help.

Finance & Insurance

Form-fills flourish for finance. (Insurance, too—we just couldn’t resist the alliteration.) Your forms may convert better than the baseline for all industries, but you could optimize ‘em even more.

Next Steps

Get your very own copy of Unbounce’s 2021 Conversion Benchmark Report and snag all the data-powered insights you need to get started. Be among the first to find out what’s helping marketers in your industry convert more visitors, then put your new knowledge into action, optimize, and test to validate the impact.

It’s time to dive in and 2021 your highest converting year to date!

Download Now Unbounce Conversion Benchmark Report 2021

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