Graph Database - Study24x7
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Graph Database

Updated on 15 June 2022
Mukesh Kumar
6 min read 28 views
Updated on 15 June 2022

Very simply, a graph database is a database designed to treat the relationships between data as equally important to the data itself. It is intended to hold data without constricting it to a pre-defined model. Instead, the data is stored like we first draw it out - showing how each individual entity connects with or is related to others.

Why Graph Databases?

We live in a connected world! There are no isolated pieces of information, but rich, connected domains all around us. Only a database that natively embraces relationships is able to store, process, and query connections efficiently. While other databases compute relationships at query time through expensive JOIN operations, a graph database stores connections alongside the data in the model.

Accessing nodes and relationships in a native graph database is an efficient, constant-time operation and allows you to quickly traverse millions of connections per second per core.

Independent of the total size of your dataset, graph databases excel at managing highly-connected data and complex queries. With only a pattern and a set of starting points, graph databases explore the neighboring data around those initial starting points — collecting and aggregating information from millions of nodes and relationships — and leaving any data outside the search perimeter untouched.

The Property Graph Model

As with most technologies, there are few different approaches to what makes up the key components of a graph database. One such approach is the property graph model, where data is organized as nodes, relationships, and properties (data stored on the nodes or relationships).

We will cover this model in more detail in the Data Modeling section of these guides, but for now, we will briefly define the components that make up the property graph model.

Nodes are the entities in the graph. They can hold any number of attributes (key-value pairs) called properties. Nodes can be tagged with labels, representing their different roles in your domain. Node labels may also serve to attach metadata (such as index or constraint information) to certain nodes.

Relationships provide directed, named, semantically-relevant connections between two node entities (e.g. Employee WORKS_FOR Company). A relationship always has a direction, a type, a start node, and an end node. Like nodes, relationships can also have properties. In most cases, relationships have quantitative properties, such as weights, costs, distances, ratings, time intervals, or strengths. Due to the efficient way relationships are stored, two nodes can share any number or type of relationships without sacrificing performance. Although they are stored in a specific direction, relationships can always be navigated efficiently in either direction.

Building blocks of the property graph model (click to zoom)

property graph elements

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