IAS Exam Pattern for UPSC Mains - Study24x7
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IAS Exam Pattern for UPSC Mains

Updated on 16 August 2022
Anuj jindal
2 min read 5 views
Updated on 16 August 2022

The UPSC exam pattern for the Mains examination involves 9 papers that are conducted over a time period of 5-7 days.

The UPSC Mains exam will be available for you to appear, if and only if you are able to clear the Prelims exams.

You can appear for IAS Mains only if you could clear the prelims exam.

Having said that it should be duly noted that, unlike the Prelims exam, the UPSC Mains exam consists of only Descriptive/subjective type questions of a total of 1750 marks, meaning you’d have to elaborately write your answers instead of choosing the right ones from among a host of choices.

Read More: UPSC Mains Exam Pattern

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