Common mistakes people make when hiring Android app develope - Study24x7
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Common mistakes people make when hiring Android app developers

Updated on 13 September 2022
Ankit Rathi
31 min read 20 views
Updated on 13 September 2022

Here is a list of moments to avoid during the investment process if you want to hire Android developers for the job.


Don't hire Android developers who don't have a good idea of product design 

Working with Android developers who have experience in product development can save you a lot of time and money during the development process.

For example, you can create a registration page for your application. At first glance, the registration screen appears to be nothing more than a user and password selection screen. However, in practice, you will need:

To determine the type of identity you want to create (Facebook, User, Password, Gmail, etc.). To guarantee support where necessary (for example, if the user enters his email, check that it is a valid email).

Don't hire Android developers with no experience in UI and hardware design 

A user interface is more than just a collection of displays. Yes, it should be good and professional. However, it should be easy to understand.


You can hire a developer to help you create an Android app, but that's not always enough to ensure that your app has a high-quality user interface. Since applications can change during development, you can update the user interface due to product changes or new features.


Hiring a designer for small or any changes can be expensive and go quickly. Fortunately, Android provides many "out-of-the-box" UI solutions in the form of tutorials and libraries for different situations, and Android developers should be aware of the context and libraries these are based on. previous experience with popular applications.


Using a standard UI template is useful because it will look like most of the apps that your users are already familiar with and because the UI implementation should be quick and easy, thanks to Google's extensive resources. Most of the new UI designs come from Google's Material Design principles, which were developed a few years ago. Mobile devices, especially small ones, are compatible with Object Design. In addition, Google offers many free icons, and there are usually enough icons to meet most of your needs.


They also provide free tutorials and tools, such as color palettes for objects. The best Android developers do most of the design work themselves, and their apps look professional and easy to use.

Don't let inexperienced Android developers publish apps on Google Play 

A good Android app developer with great apps available on Google Play.


There is important work to be done when launching an application, and it is important that your sponsor has already done it. Proguard is a tool that shows the importance of this step. This program can encapsulate your code and remove unnecessary libraries and classes, resulting in a smaller and more secure application. However, using Proguard effectively requires prior experience. It's not an easy task, and doing it wrong can expose your code and increase the size of your program.

An experienced developer always knows that it should be used only when publishing an application. Because your program is still not available to the public, there is no reason to cover it up by testing it before release. Another thing to keep in mind is that you must sign in to the application before it can be published. This is to protect and prove that you have the application. This method requires a file with a hash key.

When you publish on Google Play, this file is required. However, it is important to publish version updates. If this file is lost, you will not be able to update your application. Therefore, a skilled Android app developer should know how to install it in storage. They must follow best practices in terms of security and backup.


Finally, although submitting an application to Google Play is a simple process, understanding all the features of the Play Store will help in promoting your application and increasing downloads.

Don't worry about Android developers who don't have at least one app on Google Play 

When you're looking for an Android app developer, you'll probably want them to show you some of their past work so you can get an idea of their experience with the platform. For the same, you should check if they have their own app in the Play Store.

This is an important point to remember because it shows you that the developer knows how to download apps from Google Play as we discussed earlier and that they create Android apps because they enjoy it not just for money. Working with an Android developer who is passionate about what they do should be a priority.

Don't hire Android developers without enough development experience 

Many applications these days, especially those that deal with social media, require the use of data protection. Your app probably needs it too. Outsourcing to an Android developer who is not familiar with databases may require hiring a second developer just for this purpose. It may be necessary to hire another designer if the job is difficult. But, in most cases, you won't need it in the first version of your program because your database will be redundant.


Android developers need to know databases. A developer can use a simple API to manage a database with various functions. Firebase is a popular service in this area. Google's Firebase is one of the many services that make mobile development easier.

Don't pay Android developers who offer bad timing plans 

When you start working during the trial period, your sponsor will be asked to complete the work and they can estimate how long it will take. When you are running a simple project, the ETA often needs to be accurate. And, most likely, during this trial period, you will want to give your applicant a little work to do during the trial period.


You have to be careful that they have completed this message in their specific time, and if they have not done so, you will get a complete correctness, which should not happen for a small task. Providing an accurate ETA for major events, on the other hand, can be difficult to predict because there may be product changes, features, and bugs along the way.


Android developers can complete the work before the ETA expires and inform you if it takes longer for some reason, preferably not at the last moment.

Don't pay Android developers who don't update you regularly 

Even when assigning small tasks, it is important to check whether your candidate keeps you informed of the important things that have been done and done regularly.


You can choose to have your developer notify you regularly or only when major events occur. Either way, you need to be careful how your sponsor gives you the information you need. Working with a developer who updates you frequently or frequently can slow down and reduce the effectiveness of your collaboration.

Don't use Android developers to give you constructive feedback 

Once you have assigned a job to your candidate, they have completed it and let you know about the construction, you need to test it thoroughly for errors. In fact, it will reveal information about the manufacturer's ability to diagnose and fix problems, or, in other words, the ability to test his product.

This is something very important to check because Android developers will be able to identify bugs before they release new versions and know how to test their products properly. If they don't, they may offer you a bad product, and if you don't see it, it may reach end users, who may complain or leave a bad review on the Google Store. Play. Therefore, you should pay close attention to your first draft that the candidate sends you, test it carefully, and determine if it is easy to correct errors.

Last Words Another thing to keep in mind is that Android has a good testing library, but for logic and UI testing, it's also good to see if your candidate has used them. Although the trial period may be short using the lab, it is something every Android developer should know.

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