Metaverse educational platform development | University to M - Study24x7
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Metaverse educational platform development | University to Metaversity

Updated on 11 May 2023
metaverse development
7 min read 9 views
Updated on 11 May 2023

XR-devices and the (3D) metaverse can match or exceed the societal impacts of the smartphone and (2D) Internet years ago. In the future, we'll be spoiled. 5G networks, metaverse apps, and consumer behavior change enable this treat. 


Will education change as dramatically? We believe so, and we're on a mission to improve learning and teaching worldwide. This blog post explores how a 5G-enabled Metaverse educational platform development will empower learners and teachers. 


Some universities and colleges are already exploring this new technological landscape, from individual classes to an entire "metacampus" and future "metaversities."  


COVID-19 accelerated the shift from brick-and-mortar institutions.  


Some readers may remember Second Life's virtual classrooms from more than a decade ago (and some institutions still use them).  


Some universities and colleges are taking their first steps into the metaverse education platform: 


- Queen Mary Uiverstity of London 

- Stanford University 

- Tec De Monterrey 

- University of Michigan 

- MIT 

- University of Glasgow 

And many more 


Future of This Virtual Learning Platform?  

The pandemic changed the landscape for most universities and colleges, and online courses are here to stay.  


In the near future, experiential virtual learning platforms will be important.  


Do more questions arise? 


How will the campus look if the metaverse evolves? It's a writing space. 


AR and VR studies are just beginning to reveal their social and psychological benefits. As it scales, more research is needed. 


Higher education will face many choices, including which technology vendor to adopt and invest in. 


Now is the time for scientists, academics, and developers to co-construct this new virtual landscape and address teaching and learning implications. 


VR and AR will continue to grow as technologies and will change how we learn, work, and live. 


Are you considering bringing in XR to your classes? Tell us about it in the comments.  

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