UPSC 2020 Exam - NEWS Analysis 3rd January - Study24x7
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UPSC 2020 Exam - NEWS Analysis 3rd January

Updated on 15 February 2020
UPSC & State PSC
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Updated on 15 February 2020

India's first Manned Mission - Gaganyaan

4 IAF (Indian Air Force) pilots have been selected by ISRO to undergo advanced  training in Russia for India’s first manned spaceflight mission.

The training begins from Jan (week 3).


The selected four astronauts are between 35-44 years of age.

Rank - Squadron Leaders & Wing Commanders

The first manned spaceflight mission, Gaganyaan is an ambitious project and is the next step forward for India’s space dreams. The last time India sent men in space was Rakesh Sharma in 1984.

No women have been selected so far for the Gaganyaan mission.

A formal invitation will be sent to these officers with adequate preparation time at ISRO before the head for Russia.

What you should know-

  • India's(ISRO's) other Space Mission.
  • NASA's human Space Mission.
  • Life at Space.

New Army Chief elected to office

Gen MM Naravane has been selected as the new Army Chief, after Gen Bipin Rawat was promoted as CDS. He is the  28th Chief of The Indian Army Staff.

After he took office, he announced his focus as defence for the country’s northen borders.

Context - Defence of India’s borders

The General told reporters that protection for the northern borders will be enhanced to match the level of the western borders (ones with Pakistan). The security will be improvedand special attention will be given to human rights too.

The northern borders includes the north eastern part of our country. This includes a 3400 km long stretch with China, which is under contention.

What you should know-

  • Border issues and wars India had with China 
  • Hierarchy of indian Army chiefs till now.

Anti-CAA stance of Kerala CM, Governor

Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan passed a resolution against the CAA, keeping in mind criticism against the act. He said  every state assembly has its own rights and authorities.


Before the state assembly resolution, the Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had criticised the move, saying the state government needed "better legal advise". According to Prasad, only the parliament can pass or block any resolutions, not state assemblies.

Kerala is the first state to go against CAA. According to Kerala CM Vijayan, every assembly has its own special protections and it's just going against the law (CAA) which has violated fundamental principles of constitution.

What you should know-

  • CAA, NRC and protests against it
  • Current state of Anti-CAA protests, criticisms
  • State-level protests
  • State vs Centre conflicts

US Aviation Regulator warns of terror risk in Pak Airspace

The American FAA( Federal Aviation Administration) has warned its airlines against suspected terror attacks in Pak Airspace due to increased militant and terror activity .


FAA has warned American piliot to be cautious and maintain their safety through a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) covering Pakistani airports, low altitudes and tak-off / landing times. The notice comes at a time when Pakistan is facing a lot of international pressure for increased terror activity here.

What you should know-

  • US-Pak relations
  • Terror activity in Pakistan
  • Risk to Americans in Pakistan (Daniel Pearl)

Turkey to deploy troops to Libya 

The Turkish Parliament approved deployment of its troops in Libya to provide military cooperation to the United Nations (UN.) The bill faced a lot of criticism from Turkish opposition leaders.


Turkey is eager to assist United Nations government (GNA) in handling the military operations in Libya. President Erdogan’s move comes after US President Trumphad warned against any military interference in Libya, as this can increase tensions there.

What you should know-

  • Current state of politics in Mid-East & North Africa
  • Terror activity in Libya, Turkey, Sudan
  • Libya pre and post Gadaffi.
  • Impact on India, Indian relations with mid-east

All The Best To all the UPSC 2020 Aspirants !

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