Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is a set of premier central government schools functioning under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Being a teacher in this prestigious sangathan is a great career move for those of you interested in the profession. Find out details about the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Exam Preparation Guide in this article.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Exam Date 2020:
The KVS Exam dates 2020 are tentative due to the ongoing pandemic. We shall be updating changes as and when notifications come out for KVS 2020 Exam. Refer to the table below to get an idea.
Event | Dates |
KVS Recruitment Notification 2020 | April/May 2020 |
KVS Online Application Start Date | April/May 2020 |
KVS Exam Date 2020 | To be declared |
KVS TGT Exam Date 2020 | To be declared |
KVS PGT Exam Date 2020 | To be declared |
KVS PRT Exam Date 2020 | To be declared |
KVS Librarian Exam Date 2020 | To be declared |
KVS Principal/Vice Principal Exam Date | To be declared |
KVS Exam Eligibility Criteria 2020:
Eligibility criteria for KVS Exam 2020 can be categorized into age and educational qualifications.
Age Limit for various positions is:
Post | Age Limit |
Principal | 35 to 50 years |
Vice Principal | 35 to 45 |
Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) | 40 years |
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) | 35 years |
Librarian | 35 years |
Primary Teacher | 30 years |
Primary Teacher (Music) | 30 years |
Age Relaxation for certain category of candidates is applicable, as given below:
Category | Age Relaxation |
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe | 5 years |
Other Backward Classes | 3 years |
Women (All Category) for teaching posts only except for the post of Principal & Vice Principal | 10 years |
KVS Employees | No age bar |
Candidates with 3 years continuous service in Central Govt. provided the posts are in same or allied cadres | 5 years for General 10 years for SC 8 years for years for OBC |
Persons ordinarily domiciled in State of Jammu & Kashmir during 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 | 5 years |
Persons with disabilities (including women) | (i) SC/ST - 15 years (ii) OBC - 13 years (iii) General - 10 years |
Ex-Servicemen (Un-reserved/ General) (For Group-B posts only) | 03 years Service after deduction of the Military rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of applications |
Ex-Servicemen (OBC) For Group-B posts only) | 06 years (03 years + 03 years) after deduction of the Military Service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of applications |
Ex-Servicemen (SC/ST) For Group-B posts only) | 08 years (03 years + 05 years) after deduction of the Military Service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of applications |
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Exam Educational Qualifications:
For Post Graduate Teacher (PGTs) posts:
Essential Qualification:
(a) Two Years’ Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject.
Master’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate in Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, History, Geography, Economics and Commerce.
(b) B.Ed or equivalent degree from a recognized University.
(c) Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English medium.
Note: Candidates having only Special B.Ed are not eligible for the post of PGT.
(d) Knowledge of Computer Applications.
For Trained Graduate Teacher (TGTs) posts:
Essential Qualification:
(a) Four years integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject/combination of subject and in aggregate. The elective subjects and languages in the combination of subjects are English, Hindi, Social Studies, Science, Sanskrit and Maths.
(b) B.Ed or equivalent degree from a recognized University
(c) Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Paper-II
(d) Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English medium.
Desirable Qualification:
Knowledge of Computer Applications
For Primary Teachers (PRTs) posts:
Essential Qualification:
1. Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education)
Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)
2. Qualified in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Paper I.
3. Proficiency to teach through Hindi and English Media.
Desirable Qualification:
Knowledge of Computer Applications.
Note: B. Ed students may apply for the PRT posts. However, they should have scored at least 50% marks in graduation and also qualified CTET Paper I.
Total Vacancy for KVS 2020 Exam:
Total vacancy for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Exam recruitment 2020 is yet to be declared. It shall be updated as soon as it is out!

Application Process for KVS 2020 Exam:
The official website for applying for the KVS Exam is The application process of KVS 2020 exam is fairly simple and requires filling up details and documents like your photograph and signature online. Please make sure you save a copy of the form and the registration number and login ID after submission of form. The same is required for further processes. The link for the current year’s application form will tentatively be activated in April/May 2020.
KVS 2020 Exam Admit Card:
The KVS admit card is usually published online 10-15 days before the KVS 2020 Exam date. To download it from the official website, you shall be requiring your Registration Number/Login ID and Password or date of birth.
KVS Salary Structure:
Salaries in KVS are divided as per pay levels. Following are the salary scales for various posts in the establishment:
Post Name | Pay Level | Salary |
Principal (Group - A) | Pay Level 12 | Rs.78800 - 209200 |
Vice Principal (Group - A) | Pay Level 10 | Rs.56100 - 177500 |
Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) (Group - B) | Pay Level 8 | Rs.47600 - 151100 |
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) (Group - B) | Pay Level 7 | Rs.44900 - 142400 |
Librarian (Group - B) | Pay Level 7 | Rs.44900 - 142400 |
Primary Teacher (Group - B) | Pay Level 6 | Rs.35400 - 112400 |
Primary Teacher (Music) (Group - B) | Pay Level 6 | Rs.35400 - 112400 |
For teaching posts, the selection process for KVS 2020 Exam consists of two phases for all posts- written examination and interview. The weightage for the two phases is 85:15, respectively. For Primary Teachers (Music) Posts, there are three phases: written examination, performance test and interview. Respective weightage of the three phases is 60:25:15. There is no sectional cut off.
KVS 2020 Exam Syllabus:
The KVS syllabus of the exam is as follows:
General English KVS Syllabus:
- Spelling Error
- Fill in the blank
- Antonyms/Synonyms
- One word substitution
- Error spotting
- Idiom and Phrase
सामान्य हिंदी KVS Syllabus:
- पर्यायवाची/विलोम शब्द
- वाक्य सुधार
- वाक्यों में त्रुटिया
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
- वर्तनी की त्रुटि
General Knowledge & Current Affairs KVS Syllabus:
- Books and Authors
- Important Days
- History
- Science & Technology
- Sports
- Countries & Capitals
- Awards and Honours
- Static GK
Reasoning/General Intelligence KVS Syllabus:
- Blood Relation
- Arithmetic Number Series
- Letter and Symbol Series
- Figures
- Verbal Classification
- Ranking
- Non-verbal series
- Analogies
- Direction
- Logical Reasoning
- Similarities and Differences
- Arithmetic Reasoning
Computer Knowledge KVS Syllabus:
- Hardware
- Software
- Database
- Networking
- Internet
- MS Windows
- MS Office
KVS Exam Pattern:
The exam is conducted in an offline mode and its pattern differs as per post. Please check the following for more details.
For PGT Teacher post:
Test | Subjects | Number of Question | Total Marks | Time |
Part - I | General English | 10 | 10 | 3 Hours |
General Hindi | 10 | 10 |
Part - II | General Knowledge & Current Affairs | 10 | 10 |
Reasoning Ability | 10 | 10 |
Computer Literacy | 10 | 10 |
Pedagogy | 20 | 20 |
Subject concerned | 80 | 80 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For KVS TGT Teacher post:
Test | Subjects | Number of Question | Total Marks | Time |
Part - I | General English | 10 | 10 | 2 Hours 30 minutes |
General Hindi | 10 | 10 |
Part - II | General Knowledge & Current Affairs | 40 | 40 |
Reasoning Ability | 40 | 40 |
Computer Literacy | 10 | 10 |
Pedagogy | 40 | 40 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For KVS PRT Teacher post:
Test | Subjects | Number of Question | Total Marks | Time |
Part - I | General English | 10 | 10 | 2 Hours 30 minutes |
General Hindi | 10 | 10 |
Part - II | General knowledge & Current Affairs | 10 | 10 |
Reasoning Ability | 10 | 10 |
Computer Literacy | 10 | 10 |
Pedagogy | 20 | 20 |
Subject concerned | 80 | 80 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
KVS Exam 2020 Cut Off:
Knowing the cut off gives a good idea about how difficult the exam is and how you should plan your attempts for KVS 2020 exam. Following is the cut off for 2018.
Post | General Candidates | OBC Candidates | SC Candidates | ST Candidates |
TGT English | 78 | 77 | 73 | 64 |
TGT Hindi | 74 | 73 | 73 | 72 |
TGT Maths | 85 | 84 | 79 | 72 |
TGT Sanskrit | 71 | 70 | 67 | 65 |
TGT Science | 83 | 82 | 79 | 72 |
TGT Social Science | 79 | 78 | 77 | 76 |
PRT | 95 | 94 | 88 | 79 |
This is the complete KVS Exam preparation guide that one should know. Candidates must prepare well for this exam as it is the only opportunity for those willing to teach in KVS. Good luck to all the aspirants!