How to launch a live class on Study24x7? - Study24x7
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How to launch a live class on Study24x7?

Updated on 27 May 2020
Vikas Sharma
6 min read 1 views
Updated on 27 May 2020

Hello Guys ,

After scheduling a live class we have to follow these basic steps for starting a class.

*How to create and schedule a live class*, i have already discussed in my previous article. In this blog we will cover launching the process of live class.

The process of launching the live class is

1) Create a course

2) Choose your Course type [Self paced (uploaded video) / Instructional / Blended course]

3) Schedule a class

Once the course is published, Few simple steps to start the live class.

Step 1 :

To test a live streaming need to click on " Test Stream " as available in image

Step 2 :

Then we have to allow permission for accessing Camera and Microphone as below -

Step 3 :

After permission access need to click on "Webcam and Screen Share" for live class -

Step 4:

Then we have a set of instructions for next step and details of live class -

Details -

Instructions -

Online users display -

Step 4 :

On live class window we have -

On can divide live class window in three parts -

Part 1 (Canvas) - We can use it as a white board for live class .

Few important tools are available there on Canvas .

Part 2 (Camera) - Users web cam image will be displaying here.

Below the Camera location we have chat option where class mentor will check students

messages and from here mentor will reply to their query.

And after all set for a live class user need to click on "GO Live".

By following these steps users can start a live class in Study 24x7 portal.

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