UPSC 2020 preparation strategy - Study24x7
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UPSC 2020 preparation strategy

Updated on 15 February 2020
Edubabble LLP
6 min read 7 views
Updated on 15 February 2020

Now is the right time to make your UPSC 2020 preparation strategy. We have discussed some topics in this article that are surely going to help you in your preparation.

1. It is imperative for a developing country like India to make strategies to boost its sectors for the growth of the economy.

In health, the government is focusing on an inclusive approach that includes improved sanitation, clean drinking water, nutritious food, good feeding practices, development of better delivery systems, hygiene and individual healthcare.

The issues with the policies made for healthcare are that the number of healthcare professionals is far less than the number of people to be treated. Another issue is the affordability of healthcare facilities. To date, there is a huge dependence on private services which are very costly.

India is touted as the youngest country in the world which is why the government is giving special emphasis to education. The government's policies focus on providing access to education at the elementary, secondary and post-secondary levels to improve the overall quality of education.

Even after the enactment of the Right to Education policy, many parents have complained that schools are asking for fees for pre-primary. Parents are being interviewed and asked many personal questions about their income and the size of their houses. Also, the teacher training program that exists is not good enough to meet the needs of the students.

2. NGOs are non-governmental organizations that work independent of the control of the government and are non-profit organizations. They ensure resilience in civil society and can keep a tab on how their society is performing. The presence of NGOs also gives the people an organized channel to speak to their government.

Self-Help Groups are people or informal associations who choose to come together for the development of poor and marginalized people. It is recognized by the government but does not require formal registration.

3. Vulnerable sections of society are those groups of people where adults are not capable of providing a living for their family due to issues like poor health or inability of providing sufficient income for basic resources.

SC/ST welfare schemes by NGOs include Scheme of Grant in Aid to Voluntary Organisations working for Scheduled Castes and schemes by Ministry include Central Sector Scheme of 'Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship' for Providing Scholarships to SC students to pursue programs in Higher Education such as M.Phil and Ph.D.

Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) is a scheme started by the Government for integrated development of 1,000 villages in the country where more than 50% of the population are Scheduled Castes (SC).

Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana is a scheme started for students belonging to scheduled castes in which hostels are being constructed so these students can be encouraged to attain a quality education.

Post-Matric Scholarship for SC students offers 100 percent assistance by the Central government to the State Governments and UT Administrations to enable SC students to obtain a post-matric and higher level of education.

It is very important that you make a UPSC 2020 time table and stick to it till the end of all the phases of the exam. All the best!  

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