Developing on your own machine Because C is highly portable, there is a good chance you can develop assignment solutions on your own machine and just upload to the Zoo for final testing and submission. Because there are many different kinds of machines out there, I can only offer very general advice about how to do this.2 You will need a text editor. I like Vim, which will run on pretty much anything, but you should use whatever you are comfortable with. You will also need a C compiler that can handle C99. Ideally you will have an environment that looks enough like Linux that you can also run other commandline tools like gdb, make, and possibly git. How you get this depends on your underlying OS - Study24x7
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15 Mar 2019 10:44 AM study24x7 study24x7

Developing on your own machine Because C is highly portable, there is a good chance you can develop assignment solutions on your own machine and just upload to the Zoo for final testing and submission. Because there are many different kinds of machines out there, I can only offer...

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