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Lakshya Malik
Lakshya Malik
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study24x7Lakshya Malik

Lakshya Malik

Software Developer at Gingerwebs pvt. ltd.
Live in Shamli,India, Uttar Pradesh
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Humble means "modest; without an excess of pride." A person who brags about bein...
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Lakshya Malik shared post from General Science and History

19 Oct 2019 03:00 AM study24x7 study24x7

Who you are......?

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  • Neha sharma Neha
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    Lakshya Malik shared post from Astronomy

    Is there any difference between landing a man or woman?

    19 May 2019 11:56 PM study24x7 study24x7

    NASA plans to land woman on moon.

    Is there any difference between landing a man or woma...
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  • Hridendra Srivastava
  • No priority is landing. Now NASA choice whom to land on moon😜

    05 Mar 2019 10:28 AM study24x7 study24x7

    hindi grammar pdf - part 2

    hindi grammar pdf - part 2.pdf
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    Lakshya Malik shared post from SSC Preparation Strategies & Study Materials

    Try this one..

    In females, the uterus is __________.









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    08 Jan 2019 11:35 AM study24x7 study24x7

    A stunning US park in winter white

    If you were to visit the United States in winter, you might want to check out some of the country’s famous national parks, which take on a whole new dimension in winter months. For example, winter is a great time to enjoy recreational s...

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    A stunning US park in winter white<br><br>If you were...
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    03 Jan 2019 05:22 PM study24x7 study24x7

    An unusual winter getaway.
    While summer is an obviously good season for tourists to visit Ladakh, winter is a time when you could really get a feel of the culture, when the local population of the place has a lot of time on their hands. It is a time when the winter monaster...

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    An unusual winter getaway.<br>While summer is an obvi...
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    02 Jan 2019 07:49 PM study24x7 study24x7

    Tesla, the visionaryWe approach today’s observance of Science Fiction Day through a route of science fact. Our photo today shows Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla, seated under his ‘magnifying transmitter’—an experimental power generator that used his Tesla coils ...

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    Tesla, the visionaryWe approach today’s observance ...
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    21 Sep 2018 11:41 AM study24x7 study24x7

    Good Morning

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    29 Dec 2018 11:53 AM study24x7 study24x7

    The mechanics of the northern lights are still not fully understood, as there are multiple influences and atmospheric conditions that create these photogenic ripples of coloured light in the sky. Scientists agree that solar winds—big pulses of energy from our sun—interfere...

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    The mechanics of the northern lights are still not fu...
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