Types of Digital Marketing - Study24x7
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Types of Digital Marketing

Updated on 15 February 2020
Digital Marketing
7 min read 9 views
Updated on 15 February 2020

Digital marketing a virtual sunshine sector, is the place where most products and services aim to catch the eye of their audience. A cost-effective platform of permanence, this form of promotion is inbound marketing at its finest, as it entices and engages the audience to explore more about the advertiser, based on their needs.

An understanding of digital marketing practices is incomplete without a clear comprehension of what are the different types of digital marketing.

Here are the most common types of digital marketing: 

1. Social Media Marketing (SSM)

2. Content marketing

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

5. Pay per click advertising (part of Search Engine Marketing)

6. Affiliate marketing

7. Email marketing

8. Message-based marketing (Whatsapp marketing)

9. Video-based marketing (YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo, VOD and other such platforms)

1. Social media marketing:

Here, we focus on redirection and promotion of websites for a specific product or service, through all available social media platforms. This practice can include specific communication or posts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok and the like.

Information, links or posts are shared to create brand awareness, engagement or even sales. A digital marketing expert or strategist can ace this assignment by choosing the right social media platform and then creating a message relevant to their targetted audience there.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the first types of digital marketing. It is the technique by which a marketer creates or curates relevant content with specific, relevant search terms or keywords to gain visibility on search platforms.

Next, we come to effective content distribution. This content distribution happens in close compliance with other types of digital marketing like Social media marketing, SEO, SEM, email and affiliate marketing.

3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process by which content on websites is made visible and relevant for search engines. This process happens with placement of search terms called keywords in website content, active promotion on social media and SEM.

One can optimise a website using white hat and black hat techniques, based on the specific goals that a digital marketer aims to achieve.

4. Search Engine marketing

Search Engine marketing specifically aims at paid advertising tools and methods to gain visibility and place of value on a search engine. Google, for one, uses Adwords for allowing advertisements on its search platform, against relevant keywords.

SEM depends on the ad spend or budget a marketeer targets as bids for this visibility through pay-per-click advertising on a bid-basis.

5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click advertising refers to paid advertising on digital publishing platforms for each click on a link for the marketer’s website. Pay per click, a standard SEM model, is now applicable on many other digital platforms - social media platforms, websites and other publishing platforms.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an effective digital marketing technique that pays for specific conversion or actions, instead of simple impressions (or web traffic). Providing a more specific, quality audience or users, this is more expensive than pay per click advertising. However, the payouts are for far fewer numbers than PPC.

Affiliate marketing works through high-traffic sources like popular websites, influencers and bloggers, who can provide actionable audiences, interested in a brand’s offerings.

7. Email Marketing

An extension of traditional outbound marketing, email marketing as a type of digital marketing works on reaching out to an audience, building and nurturing a relationship with them. The idea is that it would ultimately lead to conversions.

Email subscribers get valuable updates, based on their interest in the website, or a brand’s products and services. It requires users to sign-up for updates, and they can opt-out whenever they require it.

8. Video-based marketing

Come 2020, video-based marketing has moved beyond ads on YouTube and other audio and video platforms (from Spotify to Hotstar). It is about positioning a brand message to relevant audiences who are browsing for similar content.

Advertisements, in-content promotions and like-based ads are targetted through cookies, previous web views, Google history and even likes and preferences. 

As digital marketing is an everchanging realm, there is much room for newer forms and techniques of digital marketing soon.

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