How to Price Online Courses - 4 Tips - Study24x7
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How to Price Online Courses - 4 Tips

Updated on 22 May 2020
7 min read 7 views
Updated on 22 May 2020

There are various online course platforms in India where you can sell courses. Selling an online course requires a diplomatic approach and extensive market research. Before you start earning through courses, you need to decide if you are looking for higher income immediately or a normal income but for a long time. In overall, the latter option is the best for which you need to provide discount offers and sale for keeping your course in a constant demand. However, it is not as easy as you might think.

Here we have provided top 4 tips that will help you to put a price on your online course- 

1. Be sure about your strategy

You need to have clarity on what exactly your goals are from that particular course. Don’t get driven by what your competitors are achieving and what you have achieved from your own courses previously.

Whatever pricing decision you make can affect your achievement of goals. It can-

  1. Gradually increase your market presence
  2. Establish your entry to a new market
  3. Give fame to your brand by increasing the sales of your course

All of these goals can’t be achieved at once and requires customized pricing approach. This is why you need to be clear as to what you are looking to achieve and succeed at all of your goals one by one.

2. Get an in-sight to your own course

This might sound strange as you are the one who create courses and you must know your course better than anyone else, but there is a point to it!

Applying a different mindset helps when it comes to labeling your online course with a price tag. You need to answer few of these questions such as who will be the audience of your course? Will it increase their income or employability chances in any way? Will it enhance their studies, profession or a brand?

In short, you need to assess all the positive sides of your course before you think of giving it a price. You can put further efforts and create a survey for your target audience to enquire how much price are they willing to pay for this sort of course. Based on your own insights and what your audiences are expecting you can think of a suitable price tag.

3. Provide options

This option is good for increasing the scope of widening your audience and seeking different outcomes from your course. Some learners might be able to spend more on courses whereas some will have restriction on their spending. In order to make sure that you can make your course reach out to both set of learners provide multiple versions of your courses.

Set your course price with a combination of single course, course package or a validity period. For instance, you can publish a standard version of your course for strengthening core skills and then there can be an advanced version covering overall topic. You can see example of this method on many sites that are famous for selling courses.

4. Make a difference with packaging

If you are entirely focused on the course pricing without giving any consideration to the packaging then you are walking in a wrong direction.

How many times it has happened with you that while strolling through the supermarket you rejected a thing just because of its poor packaging quality or look. Same goes with your courses too! Smart packaging and branding can make a whole lot of difference when it comes to selling a course.

It is obvious that there is no actual packaging involved in an online course, so here we mean it in a different manner. You can create a landing page for your courses with following appeals-

  1. Engrossing visual look
  2. Effective content
  3. Readers testimonials and compelling images
  4. A crisp call to action line

Working on the landing pages can actually help you in long term and get you better results when selling an online course.

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