5 myths about selling online courses successfully! - Study24x7
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5 myths about selling online courses successfully!

Published on 25 May 2020
7 min read 12 views
Published on 25 May 2020

The global market of online education is expanding eminently, becoming a demand of every educator and learner. The business of selling online courses is one of the most significant parts of online education market and many entrepreneurs are benefiting from it. But as this business is booming so are the misperception about it. 

All the myths making rounds in the educational society is only restricting the budding entrepreneurs to unleash their creative online course creating side. So here we will bust those myths for all the aspiring entrepreneurs and give them the peace of mind to follow their aim diligently. 

Top 5 myths busted about selling online course successfully-

Myth 1 “It is vital to have a big fat launch”

If you are looking to create your online course and worried about launching it on a big scale then get this thought out of your mind!

The aspiring course creators have developed a misperception that if the launch is not big then their course is not going anywhere. Just because the sales didn’t hike in the initial few days it doesn’t mean that the game is over for you. 


You definitely need to put in your best effort making your course as eminent as possible, but it doesn’t mean that a huge launch is the only vital thing to get your course the much deserved success. The success of any online course depends on the sales in long run and you need to trust the overall process rather than looking for instant success. 

Myth 2 “Creating a single course won’t fetch the desired results”

Many course creators believe that to hit that success point you need to create multiple courses, as creating a single course won’t fetch the desired results. 



There are many course creators even on Study24x7 who are selling their single courses successfully. Their courses have got good ratings and are being purchased by many students out there. The catch here is that rather than concentrating on quantity you should focus more on quality. You can sell online course and ensure its quality at the same time with these three tips-

  1. Course topic- Chose a topic that is in demand. You can go through a detailed research on the keywords of your course and look for a trending topic.

  1. Content quality- You need to set your course apart from the ones that are already available in the online course market. Focus on its content quality and try to provide new and more useful information to your audience through it. 

  1. Audience- Establishing a repo with your audience is more important than simply focusing at selling your course. For this, you can create interactive videos, blogs and also engage them through your social media posts. 

Myth 3 “Too many people are selling the same course so my course won’t get the recognition”

When we say that the online education business is booming then it is obvious that many course creators are joining this trend. But this huge competition shouldn’t become a reason to restrict your success. 


You shouldn’t feel threatened with competition in fact you should use it as an element of motivation. Knowing that your course topic has many competitors and that it is doing well in the market is actually a boon and you should be sure that it will get you success as well. 

The best way to deal with the competition is to provide your course audience with the type of content that they need. Think of ways that can make you stand out of the competition rather than being threatened with it. 



Myth 4 “Offering course at a cheaper price is better”

Not just course creators but all of us have this wrong notion that the cheaper the thing is the more it will sell and earn profit. This myth makes so many course creators set the price for their course at cheap rates.


The price for any online course should be on a competitive level. Setting the price of your course at a cheaper rate will only send the negative message of low quality. Also, you should take in regard the eminence of your brand and course content. Set the rate that your course deserves and this will earn you profit in long term. 

Myth 5 “You need to set up a huge marketing budget to get your course out there”

Running expensive ads on different social media platforms, publishing paid blogs and spending on publicity of your course to get it the desired fame is a total myth!


It is difficult to beat the competition in the online course market but it doesn’t mean you need to spend extra amount to stand out. The most effective form of marketing is your choice for the course content. You can also publish free social media posts and blogs and they will definitely grip the audience if you know how to win their hearts.

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